Source code for minipyp.minipyp

import asyncio
import glob
import gzip
import hashlib
import importlib.util
import logging
import os
import re
import signal
import socket
import ssl
import sys
import threading
from email.utils import formatdate
from http.cookies import SimpleCookie
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
from traceback import format_exc, print_exc
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs

import requests
import yaml

class CIDict(dict):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if 'query' in kwargs:
            del kwargs['query']
            if len(args) and type(args[0]) == dict:
                for key, value in args[0].items():
                    if len(key) > 2 and key[-2:] != '[]' and len(value) == 1:
                        args[0][key] = value[0]
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __contains__(self, key):
        for k in self.keys():
            if key.lower() == k.lower():
                return True
        return False

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        for k, v in self.items():
            if key.lower() == k.lower():
                return v
        raise KeyError(key)

    def get(self, key, default=None):
            return self.__getitem__(key)
        except KeyError:
            return default

class MiniFormatter(logging.Formatter):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(fmt='[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s%(peer)s', datefmt='%m-%d-%Y %I:%M:%S %p')

    def format(self, record):
        if not hasattr(record, 'peer'):
            record.peer = ''
            record.peer = ' [' + record.peer + ']'
        return super().format(record)

class MiniFilter(logging.Handler):
    def __init__(self, min, max=None):
        self.min = min or logging.NOTSET
        self.max = max or logging.FATAL

    def filter(self, record):
        return self.min <= record.levelno <= self.max

    def emit(self, record):

__version__ = '0.2.0a1'
log = logging.getLogger('minipyp')
stream = logging.StreamHandler()

def _default(obj: dict, key, default):
    if key not in obj:
        obj[key] = default

def _except(error: str, extra: dict=None, fatal: bool=False):
    log.fatal(error, extra=extra) if fatal else log.error(error, extra=extra)
    raise Exception(error)

def _translate(item, keep_keys: list, keep_values: list, parent: str=None):
    def fix(string: str):
        return string.lower().replace(' ', '_').replace('\'', '')
    if type(item) == dict:
        new = {}
        for key, value in item.items():
            new_key = _translate(key, keep_keys, keep_values)
            if parent not in keep_keys:
                key = new_key
            if new_key not in keep_values:
                value = _translate(value, keep_keys, keep_values, parent=new_key)
            new[key] = value
        item = new
    elif type(item) in [list, tuple]:
        for i in range(len(item)):
            item[i] = _translate(item[i], keep_keys, keep_values)
    elif type(item) == str:
        item = fix(item)
    return item

def _capitalize(string: str, reset: bool=False):
    if reset:
        string = string.lower()
    new = ''
    for i in range(len(string)):
        if i == 0:
            new += string[i].upper()
        elif string[i - 1] == '-':
            new += string[i].upper()
    return string

class Handler:
    def handle(self, minipyp, request):
        _except('Handler for file ' + request.file + ' has no handle() method')

class PyHandler(Handler):
    def handle(self, minipyp, request):
        cwd = os.getcwd()
        modules = sys.modules
        path = sys.path
        cwd_temp = os.path.dirname(request.file)
        if cwd_temp not in sys.path:
        spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location('page', request.file)
        mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
        result = mod.render(minipyp, request)
        sys.modules = modules
        sys.path = path
        if result is None:
            return b''
        elif type(result) != bytes:
            charset = 'latin_1'
            if 'Content-Type' in request._response_headers:
                if 'charset=' in request._response_headers['Content-Type']:
                    charset = request._response_headers['Content-Type'].split('charset=')[1]
                return str(result).encode(charset.replace('-', '_'))  # will this cover all encodings?
            except UnicodeEncodeError:
                _except('Non-' + charset + ' value returned by handler, Content-Type does not contain correct encoding')
        return result

class Request:
    """Information about the client's request."""
    def __init__(self, minipyp, server, bare=None, full=None):
        self._status = None
        self._response_headers = {}
        self._response_cookies = []
        self.bare = bool(bare)
        if full:
            # Full Request object
            proto = full[0].split()
            if len(proto) != 3:
                _except('Failed to parse initial request line', server.extra)
            self.method = proto[0]  #: HTTP method (e.g. POST)
            self.protocol = proto[2]  #: HTTP protocol version (e.g. HTTP/1.1)
            if self.protocol not in ['HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP/1.1']:
                _except('Invalid protocol `' + self.protocol + '`', server.extra)
            self.headers = CIDict()  #: Request headers
            self.cookies = CIDict()
                for line in full[1:]:
                    if line == '':
                    key, value = line.split(': ', 1)
                    self.headers[key] = value
                    if key.lower() == 'cookie':
                        cookies = SimpleCookie()
                        for key, morsel in cookies.items():
                            self.cookies[key] = morsel.value
                _except('Headers seem to be malformed', server.extra)
            uri = urlparse(proto[1])
            self.scheme = uri.scheme or 'http'  #: Transfer scheme (e.g. https)
       = uri.netloc or self.headers['Host']  #: Hostname requested (e.g. localhost)
                _except('No host was provided in headers or request line', server.extra)
            self.path = uri.path  #: Path requested (e.g. /path/to/file.txt)
            self.uri = uri.path + (('?' + uri.query) if len(uri.query) else '')  #: Path requested, including query
            self.query_string = uri.query  #: Querystring (e.g. A=1&B=2)
            self.query = CIDict(parse_qs(uri.query, True), query=True)  #: Parsed querystring (i.e. GET params)
            if '' in full:
                self.body = '\n'.join(full[full.index('') + 1:])  #: Request body
   = CIDict(parse_qs(self.body, True), query=True)  #: Parsed request body (i.e. POST params)
   = minipyp.get_site(  #: Effective site config
            self.root =['root'] if else minipyp._config['root']  #: Document root
            self.file = os.path.join(self.root, *self.path.split('/'))  #: File requested
        elif bare:
            # Barebones Request object (for error handling)
            self.protocol = 'HTTP/1.0'
   = None
            self.file = None
            if len(bare):
                args = bare[0].split()
                if len(args) == 3:
                        uri = urlparse(args[1])
                        if uri.netloc:
                   = uri.netloc
                            self.path = uri.path
                            self.path = uri.path
                    except ValueError:
                    if args[2] in ['HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP/1.1', 'HTTP/2.0']:
                        self.protocol = args[2]
            self.headers = {}
            for line in bare[1:]:
                if line == '':
                if ': ' in line:
                    key, value = line.split(': ', 1)
                    self.headers[_capitalize(key)] = value
            if not and 'Host' in self.headers:
       = self.headers['Host']
       = minipyp.get_site(
                self.root =['root'] if else minipyp._config['root']
                if self.path:
                    self.file = os.path.join(self.root, *self.path.split('/'))

    def set_header(self, name: str, value: str):
        Set a header in the response, capitalized Like-This.

        :param name: header name, e.g. "X-My-Header"
        :param value: header value, e.g. "My Value"
        self._response_headers[_capitalize(name)] = value

    def set_status(self, status: str):
        Set the response status.

        :param status: full status string (e.g. "404 Not Found"
        self._status = status

    def set_cookie(self, name: str, value, **options):
        Set a cookie.
        :param name: the name of the cookie
        :param value: the cookie's value
        :param options: additional options, e.g. expires='Jan 1...', path='/'
        flags = ''
        for k, v in options.items():
            flags += '; ' + k + '=' + v
        self._response_cookies.append(name + '=' + value + flags)

    def delete_cookie(self, name: str, **options):
        Delete a cookie. Supply the same domain, path, etc. used when creating the cookie.
        :param name: the name of the cookie
        :param options: the cookie's options
        if 'expires' in options:
            raise Exception('the expires option should not be supplied when deleting a cookie')
        self.set_cookie(name, '', expires='Sat, 17 Mar 2001 6:00:00 GMT', **options)

class Server(asyncio.Protocol):
    def __init__(self, minipyp):
        self.minipyp = minipyp
        self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        self._transport = None
        self._keepalive = None
        self._timeout = minipyp._config['timeout']
        self._timing = None
        self.peer = None
        self.extra = {
            'peer': 'unknown peer'

    def connection_made(self, transport):
        self.peer = transport.get_extra_info('peername')
        if type(self.peer) in (list, tuple):
            self.extra['peer'] = self.peer[0] + ':' + str(self.peer[1])
        self._transport = transport
        self._keepalive = True
        if self._timeout:
            self._timing = self._loop.call_later(self._timeout, self.on_timeout)
        log.debug('Connected', extra=self.extra)

    def connection_lost(self, e):
        if e:
            log.warning('Connection lost: ' + str(e), extra=self.extra)

    def data_received(self, data):
        lines = data.decode('utf-8').split('\r\n')
        if len(lines):
                request = Request(self.minipyp, self, full=lines)
       + ' ' + request.path, extra=self.extra)
       = self.minipyp.get_site(
                path_opts = self.minipyp.get_path(request.path,
                proxy = None
                if path_opts['proxy']:
                    proxy_p = urlparse(path_opts['proxy'])
                    proxy = proxy_p.scheme + '://' + proxy_p.netloc
                    request.uri = proxy_p.path + request.uri
                if proxy:
          'Forwarding client to: ' + proxy + request.uri, extra=self.extra)
                    if 'X-Forwarded-Host' not in request.headers:
                        request.headers['X-Forwarded-Host'] =
                        r = requests.request(request.method, proxy + request.uri, stream=True,
                                             headers=request.headers, data=request.body)
                        request.set_status(str(r.status_code) + ' ' + r.reason)
                        request._response_headers = r.headers
                        if r.headers.get('Transfer-Encoding', '') == 'chunked':
                            i = 0
                            for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=None):
                                chunk = hex(len(chunk))[2:].encode('latin_1') + b'\r\n' + chunk + b'\r\n'
                                if i == 0:
                                    self._respond(request, chunk)
                                i += 1
                            self._respond(request, r.content)
                        self._give_error(request, 502, traceback=format_exc())
                    request.root =['root'] if else self.minipyp._config['root']

                    if request.protocol == 'HTTP/1.1':
                        self._keepalive = request.headers.get('Connection', 'close') != 'close'
                        self._keepalive = request.headers.get('Connection', '') == 'Keep-Alive'
                    match = re.match(r'timeout=(\d+)', request.headers.get('Keep-Alive', ''))
                    if match:
                        timeout = int(
                        if timeout < self._timeout:
                            self._timeout = timeout
                    path = list(filter(None, request.path.split('?')[0].split('/')))
                    path = [''] + path
                    file = None
                    full_ospath = os.path.join(request.root, *path)
                    options = self.minipyp.get_directory(full_ospath)
                    for key, value in options['headers'].items():
                        request.set_header(key, value)
                    if options['public']:
                        for i in range(len(path)):
                            ospath = full_ospath if i == 0 else os.path.join(request.root, *path)
                            viewing_dir = i == 0 and os.path.isdir(ospath)
                            if viewing_dir:
                                matches = glob.glob(os.path.join(ospath, 'index.*'))
                                if len(matches):
                                    file = matches[0]
                            if os.path.isfile(ospath):
                                file = ospath
                            if not os.path.isdir(ospath):
                                matches = glob.glob(ospath + '.*')
                                if len(matches) and os.path.isfile(matches[0]):
                                    file = matches[0]
                            if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(ospath, '.static')):
                            if not options['static']:
                                matches = glob.glob(os.path.join(ospath, 'catchall.*'))
                                if len(matches):
                                    file = matches[0]
                            if viewing_dir:
                                if options['indexing']:
                                    request.set_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
                                    (_, dirs, fils) = next(os.walk(ospath))
                                    index = '<strong>Files</strong>\n        <ul>\n'
                                    for fil in fils:
                                        index += '            <li><a href="' + fil + '">' + fil + '</a></li>\n'
                                    if not len(fils):
                                        index += '            <small>(none)</small>\n'
                                    index += '        </ul>\n        <strong>Directories</strong>\n        <ul>\n'
                                    for dir in dirs:
                                        index += '            <li><a href="' + dir + '/">' + dir + '/</a></li>\n'
                                    if not len(dirs):
                                        index += '            <small>(none)</small>\n'
                                    index += '        </ul>'
                                    response = self.minipyp._index.format(request.path, index, __version__)
                                    self._respond(request, response.encode('utf-8'))
                                    file = False
                                self._give_error(request, 403)
                        if file is None:
                            self._give_error(request, 404)
                        elif file is not False:
                            log.debug('Serving file: ' + file, extra=self.extra)
                            request.file = file
                            self._respond(request, self._render(request, file, options))
                        self._give_error(request, 403)
                self._give_error(Request(self.minipyp, self, bare=lines), 500, traceback=format_exc())
            self._keepalive = False
        if not self._keepalive:
            if self._timing:
        if self._timeout and self._timing:
            self._timing = self._loop.call_later(self._timeout, self.on_timeout)

    def on_timeout(self):
        log.debug('Connection timed out', extra=self.extra)

    def _give_error(self, request: Request, error: int, **kwargs):
        status = {
            403: 'Forbidden',
            404: 'Not Found',
            500: 'Internal Server Error',
            502: 'Bad Gateway'
        request.set_status(str(error) + ' ' + status)
        page = self.minipyp.get_error_page(error, request.file)
        html = 'MiniPyP encountered a ' + str(error) + '. The custom error page is missing or invalid.'
        if 'file' in page:
            if os.path.isfile(page['file']):
                html = self._render(request, page['file'])
        elif 'html' in page:
            html = page['html']
            if not request.bare:
                kwargs['uri'] = request.path
            for var, value in kwargs.items():
                html = html.replace('{' + var + '}', value)
            request.set_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
        if type(html) == str:
            html = html.encode('utf-8')
        self._respond(request, html)

    def _render(self, request: Request, file: str, opts=None):
        ext = file.split('.')[-1]
        handle = not opts or ext.lower() not in opts['dont_handle']
        mime = self.minipyp.get_mime_type(ext) or 'text/plain'
        request.set_header('Content-Type', mime if handle else 'text/plain')
        if handle:
            handler = self.minipyp.get_handler(ext)
            if handler:
                return handler.handle(self.minipyp, request)
        request.set_header('Last-Modified', formatdate(timeval=os.path.getmtime(file), usegmt=True))
        with open(file, 'rb') as f:

    def _respond(self, request: Request, data: bytes):
        self._write((request.protocol + ' ' + (request._status or '200 OK')).encode('utf-8'))
        if self._keepalive:
            request.set_header('Keep-Alive', 'timeout=' + str(self._timeout))
        if 'Content-Type' not in request._response_headers:
            request.set_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
        request.set_header('Date', formatdate(usegmt=True))
        request.set_header('Server', 'MiniPyP/' + __version__)
        has_body = False
        if data is not None and (request.bare or request.method != 'HEAD'):
            has_body = True
            if request._response_headers.get('Transfer-Encoding', '') != 'chunked':
                data = gzip.compress(data)
                sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
                request.set_header('Etag', '"' + sha1.hexdigest() + '"')
                request.set_header('Content-Length', str(len(data)))
                if 'gzip' in request.headers.get('Accept-Encoding', ''):
                    request.set_header('Content-Encoding', 'gzip')
                    request.set_header('Vary', 'Accept-Encoding')
        for key, value in request._response_headers.items():
            self._write((key + ': ' + value).encode('utf-8'))
        for cookie in request._response_cookies:
            self._write(('Set-Cookie: ' + cookie).encode('utf-8'))
        if has_body:

    def _write(self, data: bytes):
        self._transport.write(data + (b'\r\n' if data[-2:] != b'\r\n' else b''))

class ConfigError(ValueError):
    def __init__(self, *args):

[docs]class MiniPyP: _error_template = '''<html> <head> <title>{0}</title> <style> html {{ background: #f8f8f8; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }} body {{ padding: 20px; }} hr {{ border: none; border-top: 1px solid #ccc; }} </style> </head> <body> <h1>{0}</h1> {1} <hr> <small>Powered by MiniPyP {2}</small> </body> </html>''' _index = '''<html> <head> <title>Index of {0}</title> <style> html {{ background: #f8f8f8; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }} body {{ padding: 20px; }} </style> </head> <body> <h1>Index of {0}</h1> {1} <hr> <small>Powered by MiniPyP {2}</small> </body> </html>''' def __init__(self, config): """ Configure the MiniPyP server. :param config: YAML config file or dict of values """ self._config = None self._config_file = None self._loop = None self._coro = None self._handlers = {} self.globals = {} self.load_config(config) # Setup log files log_level = logging.INFO if 'log_level' in self._config: log_level = logging._nameToLevel[self._config['log_level'].upper()] log_limit = 25 if 'log_limit' in self._config: log_limit = int(self._config['log_limit']) if 'log' in self._config: handler = RotatingFileHandler(self._config['log'], maxBytes=log_limit * 1024) handler.setFormatter(MiniFormatter()) handler.addFilter(MiniFilter(log_level, max=logging.WARNING)) log.addHandler(handler) if 'error_log' in self._config: handler = RotatingFileHandler(self._config['error_log'], maxBytes=log_limit * 1024) handler.setFormatter(MiniFormatter()) handler.addFilter(MiniFilter(logging.WARNING)) log.addHandler(handler) # Set defaults if 'timeout' not in self._config: self._config['timeout'] = 15 if 'error_pages' not in self._config: self._config['error_pages'] = {} if 'mime_types' not in self._config: self._config['mime_types'] = {} if 'sites' not in self._config: self._config['sites'] = [] if 'directories' not in self._config: self._config['directories'] = {} if 'paths' not in self._config: self._config['paths'] = {} if 403 not in self._config['error_pages']: self.set_error_page(403, { 'html': self._error_template.format('403 Forbidden', '<p>You don\'t have permission to view this page.</p>', __version__) }) if 404 not in self._config['error_pages']: self.set_error_page(404, { 'html': self._error_template.format('404 Not Found', '''<p>The requested page could not be found:</p> <p><code>{uri}</code></p>''', __version__) }) if 500 not in self._config['error_pages']: self.set_error_page(500, { 'html': self._error_template.format('500 Internal Server Error', '''<p>An error occurred while displaying this page:</p> <pre>{traceback}</pre>''', __version__) }) if 502 not in self._config['error_pages']: self.set_error_page(502, { 'html': self._error_template.format('502 Bad Gateway', '''<p>An error occurred with the server handling this request:</p> <pre>{traceback}</pre>''', __version__) }) self.set_mime_type('text/html', 'html', 'shtml', 'htm') self.set_mime_type('text/css', 'css') self.set_mime_type('text/csv', 'csv') self.set_mime_type('application/xml', 'xml', 'rdf') self.set_mime_type('application/javascript', 'js') self.set_mime_type('application/xml', 'xml', 'rdf') self.set_mime_type('application/rss+xml', 'rss') self.set_mime_type('application/octet-stream', 'bin', 'dll', 'dmg', 'exe', 'img', 'iso', 'msi', 'safariextz') self.set_mime_type('application/pdf', 'pdf') self.set_mime_type('application/rtf', 'rtf') self.set_mime_type('application/x-7z-compressed', '7z') self.set_mime_type('application/x-bittorrent', 'torrent') self.set_mime_type('application/x-chrome-extension', 'crx') self.set_mime_type('application/x-opera-extension', 'oex') self.set_mime_type('application/x-rar-compressed', 'rar') self.set_mime_type('application/x-redhat-package-manager', 'rpm') self.set_mime_type('application/x-x509-ca-cert', 'crt', 'der', 'pem') self.set_mime_type('application/x-shockwave-flash', 'swf') self.set_mime_type('application/xhtml+xml', 'xhtml') self.set_mime_type('application/zip', 'zip') self.set_mime_type('application/perl', 'pl') self.set_mime_type('application/font-woff', 'woff') self.set_mime_type('application/font-woff2', 'woff2') self.set_mime_type('application/', 'eot') self.set_mime_type('application/x-font-ttf', 'ttf', 'ttc') self.set_mime_type('audio/midi', 'mid', 'midi') self.set_mime_type('audio/mp4', 'aac', 'm4a') self.set_mime_type('audio/mpeg', 'mp3') self.set_mime_type('audio/ogg', 'ogg') self.set_mime_type('audio/x-wav', 'wav') self.set_mime_type('image/bmp', 'bmp') self.set_mime_type('image/gif', 'gif') self.set_mime_type('image/jpeg', 'jpg', 'jpeg') self.set_mime_type('image/png', 'png', 'apng') self.set_mime_type('image/svg+xml', 'svg') self.set_mime_type('image/x-icon', 'ico', 'cur') self.set_mime_type('image/tiff', 'tif', 'tiff') self.set_mime_type('video/mp4', 'mp4', 'm4v') self.set_mime_type('video/ogg', 'ogv') self.set_mime_type('video/quicktime', 'mov') self.set_mime_type('video/webm', 'webm') self.set_mime_type('video/x-flv', 'flv') self.set_mime_type('video/x-ms-wmv', 'wmv') self.set_mime_type('video/x-msvideo', 'avi') self.set_mime_type('font/opentype', 'otf') self.set_handler('py', 'text/html', PyHandler()) self.loop = None self.coro = None
[docs] def start(self): """Start the server.""" log.debug('Starting server') if sys.platform == 'win32': asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncio.ProactorEventLoop()) self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if sys.platform == 'win32': # Get a little hacky for Windows if threading.current_thread() == threading.main_thread(): for term in ('SIGINT', 'SIGTERM'): signal.signal(getattr(signal, term), self.stop) self.loop.call_later(0.1, self._wakeup) else: for term in ('SIGINT', 'SIGTERM'): self.loop.add_signal_handler(getattr(signal, term), self.stop) if hasattr(signal, 'SIGHUP'): self.loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGHUP, self.load_config) context = None if 'ssl_cert' in self._config: context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=self._config['ssl_cert']) target = '[unknown target]' if 'host' in self._config: target = self._config['host'] + ':' + str(self._config['port']) self.coro = self.loop.create_server(lambda: Server(self), self._config['host'], self._config['port'], ssl=context) elif 'socket' in self._config: target = self._config['socket'] if os.path.exists(target): os.remove(target) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.bind(target) sock.listen(1) os.chmod(target, 0o666) self.coro = self.loop.create_unix_server(lambda: Server(self), None, sock=sock, ssl=context) self.loop.run_until_complete(self.coro)'Listening on ' + target + '...') try: self.loop.run_forever() except asyncio.CancelledError: log.warning('Server shut down before all tasks could complete') pass finally: self.stop()
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the server."""'Shutting down...') if 'socket' in self._config and os.path.exists(self._config['socket']): os.remove(self._config['socket']) if self.coro: self.coro.close() if self.loop: self.loop.stop() for task in asyncio.Task.all_tasks(): task.cancel()
[docs] def load_config(self, config=None): """ Load new config values from the provided dict. If None, and a previously loaded file exists, it will be reloaded. :param config: the new config """ if not config: config = self._config_file if type(config) == str: try: with open(config) as conf: self._config_file = config config = _translate(yaml.load(conf), keep_keys=['directories', 'paths'], keep_values=['file', 'html', 'root', 'uris', 'proxy']) except (IOError, yaml.YAMLError) as e: _except('Failed to read config file: ' + str(e), fatal=True) elif type(config) == dict: self._config_file = None else: _except('Invalid config provided (must be a file path or a dict)', fatal=True) try: self.test_config(config) self._config = config except ConfigError as e: _except('Malformed config: ' + str(e), fatal=True) log.debug('Configuration loaded from disk')
def _wakeup(self): self.loop.call_later(0.1, self._wakeup)
[docs] def add_site(self, site: dict): """ Add a site after initialization. :param site: the same dict as in the configuration """ config = self._config config['sites'].append(site) self.test_config(config, 'sites') self._config = config
[docs] def get_site(self, host: str): """ Get a site by its hostname. :param host: the hostname to look for :return: dict or None """ for site in self._config['sites']: if host.lower() in site['uris']: return site return None
[docs] def set_handler(self, extension: str, mime_type: str, handler: Handler): """ Add a file handler after initialization. :param extension: the file extension (e.g. 'py') :param mime_type: the MIME type to serve with this file :param handler: a Handler subclass (see Handler docs) """ config = self._config extension = extension.lower() if extension in self._handlers: raise ConfigError('a handler already exists for filetype: ' + extension) self.set_mime_type(mime_type, extension) self._handlers[extension] = handler self.test_config(config, 'handlers') self._config = config
[docs] def get_handler(self, extension: str): """ Get a file handler by the extension. :param extension: the file extension (e.g. 'py') :return: Handler object or None """ if extension in self._handlers: return self._handlers[extension] return None
[docs] def set_mime_type(self, mime_type, *extensions): """ Set the MIME type of a file extension. :param mime_type: MIME type (e.g. 'application/html' :param extensions: File extensions (e.g. 'py', 'pyc', ...) """ extensions = list(extensions) config = self._config for type, exts in config['mime_types'].items(): for ext in extensions: if ext.lower() in exts: config['mime_types'][mime_type].remove(ext) if mime_type in config['mime_types']: config['mime_types'][mime_type] += extensions else: config['mime_types'][mime_type] = extensions self.test_config(config, 'mime_types') self._config = config
[docs] def get_mime_type(self, extension): """ Get the MIME type for any file extension. :param extension: the file extension :return: MIME type or None if one is not set """ for type, exts in self._config['mime_types'].items(): if extension.lower() in exts: return type return None
[docs] def set_path(self, path: str, options: dict=None): """ Set the options for a path. If options is None, all options will be removed. Otherwise, any options not provided will stay as-is in the configuration. :param path: URI path :param options: the options to set """ config = self._config updated = False for spath, opts in config['paths'].items(): if spath == path: if not options: del config['paths'][path] else: for name, value in options.items(): config['paths'][path][name] = value updated = True if not updated: config['paths'][path] = options self.test_config(config, 'paths') self._config = config
[docs] def get_path(self, path: str, site: dict=None): """ Get the options for any given path, defaulting if no options were set. If a site is given, it will be applied after any global options for the path. :param path: URI (e.g. '/mypath') :param site: site object (see MiniPyP.get_site) :return: dict """ options = { 'proxy': None } for cpath in sorted(self._config['paths'], key=len): cpath = str(cpath) opts = self._config['paths'][cpath] if path.startswith(cpath) or re.match(cpath, path): if 'proxy' in opts: options['proxy'] = opts['proxy'] if site and 'paths' in site: for cpath in sorted(site['paths'], key=len): cpath = str(cpath) opts = site['paths'][cpath] if path.startswith(cpath) or re.match(cpath, path): if 'proxy' in opts: options['proxy'] = opts['proxy'] return options
[docs] def set_directory(self, dir: str, options: dict=None): """ Set the options for a directory. If options is None, all options will be removed. Otherwise, any options not provided will stay as-is in the configuration. :param dir: OS-specific directory path :param options: the options to set """ config = self._config for sdir, opts in config['paths'].items(): if sdir == dir: if not options: del config['directories'][dir] else: for name, value in options.items(): config['directories'][dir][name] = value return config['directories'][dir] = options self.test_config(config, 'directories') self._config = config
[docs] def get_directory(self, dir: str): """ Get the options for any given directory, defaulting if no options were set. :param dir: OS-specific directory path :return: dict """ options = { 'public': True, 'static': False, 'indexing': True, 'headers': CIDict(), 'dont_handle': [], 'error_pages': self._config['error_pages'] } for path in sorted(self._config['directories'], key=len): path = str(path) opts = self._config['directories'][path] if dir.startswith(path) or re.match(path, dir): if 'public' in opts: options['public'] = opts['public'] if 'static' in opts: options['static'] = opts['static'] if 'indexing' in opts: options['indexing'] = opts['indexing'] if 'headers' in opts: if 'clear_headers' in opts and opts['clear_headers']: options['headers'] = CIDict(opts['headers']) else: for key, value in opts['headers'].items(): options['headers'][key] = value if 'dont_handle' in opts: options['dont_handle'] = opts['dont_handle'] if 'error_pages' in opts: for status, page in opts['error_pages'].items(): options['error_pages'][status] = page return options
[docs] def set_error_page(self, code: int, page: dict): """ Set the error page for any HTTP code. Page should include either `html` for plain HTML or `file` to render a file instead. :param code: HTTP status :param page: dict """ config = self._config config['error_pages'][code] = page self.test_config(config, 'error_pages') self._config = config
[docs] def get_error_page(self, code: int, directory: str=None): """ Get the error page for any HTTP code. :param code: HTTP status :param directory: OS-specific path to get custom error pages for :return: dict """ pages = self.get_directory(directory)['error_pages'] if directory else self._config['error_pages'] if code in pages: return pages[code] return None
[docs] def write_config(self, to: str=None): """ Writes the current configuration to the config file. If `to` is None (default), the config will be written to the real config file or a ConfigError will be thrown. If `to` is False, nothing will be written. :param to: the file to write to :return: YAML-encoded configuration """ if not self._config_file: raise ConfigError('no config file to write to') data = yaml.dump(self._config) if to is None: to = self._config_file if to: try: with open(self._config_file, 'r') as conf: conf.write(data) except IOError as e: raise ConfigError('failed to write to config file: ' + str(e)) return data
[docs] def reload_config(self): """Reloads the configuration file from disk.""" if not self._config_file: raise ConfigError('no config file to reload') try:'Reloading configuration from disk') with open(self._config_file) as conf: config = yaml.load(conf) self.test_config(config) self._config = config except (IOError, yaml.YAMLError) as e: _except('Failed to read config file: ' + str(e), fatal=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def test_config(config: dict, part: str=None): """ Test the provided configuration, or a part of it. :param config: dict of config :param part: part of the config to test (or None) :raise: ConfigError if invalid """ if not part: if type(config) != dict: raise ConfigError('config must be a dict') if 'root' not in config: raise ConfigError('no `Root` provided') if not os.path.isdir(config['root']): raise ConfigError('`Root` directory not found') if 'host' in config: if type(config['host']) == str: try: socket.gethostbyname(config['host']) except socket.gaierror as e: raise ConfigError('`Host` is an invalid hostname: ' + str(e)) elif type(config['host']) == list: try: for host in config['host']: socket.gethostbyname(host) except socket.gaierror as e: raise ConfigError('`Host` has an invalid hostname: ' + str(e)) else: raise ConfigError('`Host` must be a hostname or a list of hostnames') if 'port' not in config: raise ConfigError('a `Port` must be specified') elif type(config['port']) != int or not 0 < config['port'] < 65536: raise ConfigError('`Port` must be a valid port number') if 'socket' in config: if 'host' in config: raise ConfigError('Either a `Host` and `Port` or a `Socket` must be given, not both') if != 'posix': raise ConfigError('`Socket` cannot be used on non-UNIX platforms') if type(config['socket']) != str or config['socket'][-5:] != '.sock': raise ConfigError('`Socket` must be a UNIX .sock file') if 'host' not in config and 'socket' not in config: raise ConfigError('Either a `Host` and `Port` or a `Socket` must be given') if 'timeout' in config and type(config['timeout']) != int: raise ConfigError('`Timeout` must be an integer of seconds') if 'log_level' in config and \ config['log_level'].upper() not in logging._nameToLevel.keys(): raise ConfigError('`Log Level` must be in: ' + ', '.join(logging._nameToLevel.keys())) if 'log_limit' in config and type(config['log_limit']) != int: raise ConfigError('`Log Limit` must be an integer of megabytes') if 'ssl_cert' in config: if not os.path.isfile(config['ssl_cert']): raise ConfigError('`SSL Cert` could not be read') if not os.path.isdir(config['root']): raise ConfigError('directory `Root` could not be found') if 'sites' in config and (not part or part == 'sites'): if type(config['sites']) != list: raise ConfigError('`Sites` must be a list') for site in config['sites']: if type(site['uris']) != list: raise ConfigError('site `URIs` must be a list') if 'root' in site and not os.path.isdir(site['root']): raise ConfigError('`Root` directory for site ' + site['URIs'] + ' could not be found') if 'mime_types' in config and (not part or part == 'mime_types'): if type(config['mime_types']) != dict: raise ConfigError('`MIME Types` must be a dict[type, extensions]') for mime, exts in config['mime_types'].items(): if not re.match(r'^[-\w]+/[-\w+.]+$', mime): raise ConfigError('`MIME Types` key must be a valid MIME type') if type(exts) != list: raise ConfigError('`MIME Types` value must be a list of extensions') for ext in exts: if not re.match(r'^\w+$', ext): raise ConfigError('`MIME Types` extensions should only contain letters (e.g. ["py", "pyc"])') if 'error_pages' in config and (not part or part == 'error_pages'): if type(config['error_pages']) != dict: raise ConfigError('`Error Pages` must be a dict[code, page]') for code, page in config['error_pages'].items(): if type(code) != int or not (300 <= code < 600): raise ConfigError('`Error Pages` key must be a valid HTTP status code') if 'html' not in page and 'file' not in page: raise ConfigError('`Error Pages` value must contain a `File` or `HTML`') if 'file' in page and not os.path.isfile(page['file']): log.warning('File for error ' + str(code) + ' does not exist') if 'directories' in config and (not part or part == 'directories'): if type(config['directories']) != dict: raise ConfigError('`Directories` must be a dict[path, options]') for path, opts in config['directories'].items(): if not os.path.exists(path): log.warning('Directory in config does not exist: ' + path) if 'public' in opts and type(opts['public']) != bool: raise ConfigError('`Public` must be True or False in directory: ' + path) if 'static' in opts and type(opts['static']) != bool: raise ConfigError('`Static` must be True or False in directory: ' + path) if 'indexing' in opts and type(opts['indexing']) != bool: raise ConfigError('`Indexing` must be True or False in directory: ' + path) if 'dont_handle' in opts and type(opts['dont_handle']) != bool: raise ConfigError('`Don\'t Handle` must be True or False in directory: ' + path) if 'error_pages' in opts: if type(opts['error_pages']) != dict: raise ConfigError('`Error Pages` must be a dict[code, page] in directory: ' + path) for code, page in opts['error_pages'].items(): if type(code) != int or not (300 <= code < 600): raise ConfigError('`Error Pages` key must be a valid HTTP status code in directory' + path) if 'html' not in page and 'file' not in page: raise ConfigError('`Error Pages` value must contain a `File` or `HTML` in directory: ' + path) if 'file' in page and not os.path.isfile(page['file']): log.warning('File for error ' + str(code) + ' does not exist in directory: ' + path) if 'paths' in config and (not part or part == 'paths'): if type(config['paths']) != dict: raise ConfigError('`Paths` must be a dict[path, options]') for path, opts in config['paths'].items(): if 'proxy' in opts: try: uri = urlparse(opts['proxy']) if not all([uri.scheme, uri.netloc]): raise Exception() except Exception as e: raise ConfigError('`Proxy` must be a valid URL in path: ' + path + ' - ' + str(e))