Useful Methods

If you started your server in Python code, the following methods are available to you.

class minipyp.MiniPyP(config)[source]
add_site(site: dict)[source]

Add a site after initialization.

Parameters:site – the same dict as in the configuration
get_directory(dir: str)[source]

Get the options for any given directory, defaulting if no options were set.

Parameters:dir – OS-specific directory path
get_error_page(code: int, directory: str = None)[source]

Get the error page for any HTTP code.

  • code – HTTP status
  • directory – OS-specific path to get custom error pages for


get_handler(extension: str)[source]

Get a file handler by the extension.

Parameters:extension – the file extension (e.g. ‘py’)
Returns:Handler object or None

Get the MIME type for any file extension.

Parameters:extension – the file extension
Returns:MIME type or None if one is not set
get_path(path: str, site: dict = None)[source]

Get the options for any given path, defaulting if no options were set. If a site is given, it will be applied after any global options for the path.

  • path – URI (e.g. ‘/mypath’)
  • site – site object (see MiniPyP.get_site)


get_site(host: str)[source]

Get a site by its hostname.

Parameters:host – the hostname to look for
Returns:dict or None

Load new config values from the provided dict. If None, and a previously loaded file exists, it will be reloaded.

Parameters:config – the new config

Reloads the configuration file from disk.

set_directory(dir: str, options: dict = None)[source]

Set the options for a directory. If options is None, all options will be removed. Otherwise, any options not provided will stay as-is in the configuration.

  • dir – OS-specific directory path
  • options – the options to set
set_error_page(code: int, page: dict)[source]

Set the error page for any HTTP code. Page should include either html for plain HTML or file to render a file instead.

  • code – HTTP status
  • page – dict
set_handler(extension: str, mime_type: str, handler: minipyp.minipyp.Handler)[source]

Add a file handler after initialization.

  • extension – the file extension (e.g. ‘py’)
  • mime_type – the MIME type to serve with this file
  • handler – a Handler subclass (see Handler docs)
set_mime_type(mime_type, *extensions)[source]

Set the MIME type of a file extension.

  • mime_type – MIME type (e.g. ‘application/html’
  • extensions – File extensions (e.g. ‘py’, ‘pyc’, …)
set_path(path: str, options: dict = None)[source]

Set the options for a path. If options is None, all options will be removed. Otherwise, any options not provided will stay as-is in the configuration.

  • path – URI path
  • options – the options to set

Start the server.


Stop the server.

static test_config(config: dict, part: str = None)[source]

Test the provided configuration, or a part of it.

  • config – dict of config
  • part – part of the config to test (or None)

ConfigError if invalid

write_config(to: str = None)[source]

Writes the current configuration to the config file. If to is None (default), the config will be written to the real config file or a ConfigError will be thrown. If to is False, nothing will be written.

Parameters:to – the file to write to
Returns:YAML-encoded configuration